Office of*Sports & Entertainment
Office of*Sports & Entertainment
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Office of Sports & Entertainment

Executive Director

Alex Alston 
Phone: (904) 255-5422



Mercedes Parker - Executive Assistant & Special Projects Manager
Phone: (904) 255-5416

Wes Cromer - Special Events Manager
Phone: (904) 255-5421

Paige Wright - Volunteer Coordinator 
Phone: (904) 255-7732



Jennifer Malice-Kelly - Finance Manager
Phone: (904) 255-5426


Event Logistics and Operations

Allyson Reese - Special Events Logistics Manager
Phone: (904) 255-5432

Michelle Tedrick - Event Operations Assistant Manager
Phone: (904) 255-5428

Brenda McClary - Event Specialist
Phone: (904) 255-5419

Jazmen Martin - Event Specialist
Phone: (904) 255-5436

Lydel Matthews - Event Specialist
Phone: (904) 255-9472

Chris Farago - Event Specialist
Phone: (904) 255-5427

Megan Smith - Business Development Coordinator
Phone: (904) 255-5417


Marketing, Public Relations and Engagement

Kirsten Barnhorst - Senior Marketing Manager
Phone: (904) 255-5435

Jordyn Middleton - Marketing Specialist
Phone: (904) 255-5420

Palmer Ferguson - Community Relations Specialist
Phone: (904) 255-5431

Rachel Henley - Graphic Designer 
Phone: (904) 255-5430



Lisa Anderson - Sponsorship Manager
Phone: (904) 255-5424

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