Office of*Sports & Entertainment
Office of*Sports & Entertainment
Permitting Insurance
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Procure and maintain at Applicant's sole expense, insurance of the types, coverages, and amounts not less than stated below:

Schedule Limits
Commercial General Liability - No more restrictive than ISO Form CG0001 (including property damage, personal injury, products/comp. ops. agg., premises, operations, and blanket contractual liability) $1,000,000 Each Occurrence 
$1,000,000 Products & Completed Ops Aggregate 
$1,000,000 Personal Injury and Advertising 
$2,000,000 General Aggregate
(The City of Jacksonville and City's members, officials, officers, employees and agents, shall be named as additional insureds under all of the above Commercial General Liability coverage).

In the event the use of motor vehicles is an integral part of the special event (unless a separate ordinance is specifically applicable to the automobiles):

Automobile Liability (all automobiles-owned, hired or non-owned) $500,000 Combined Single Limit 

In the event the Applicant hires employees for the special event or is otherwise required to carry workers' compensation insurance, the Applicant will provide evidence of workers' compensation insurance or exemption as required by Florida Workers Compensation Law as defined in Chapter 440, Florida Statutes. Applicant will assume responsibility for Applicant's discretion in confirming that all of the Applicant's contractors or subcontractors engaged in work for the special event have the appropriate workers' compensation coverage. Such evidence will include evidence of workers' compensation benefits and employer's liability insurance for the following minimum limits of coverage:

Workers Compensation 
Including coverage for any appropriate Federal Acts (e.g. Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, 33 USC §§ 901-952, and the Jones Act, 46 USC §§ 688 et seq.) where activities include liability exposures for events or occurrences covered by Federal statutes.
Florida Statutory Coverage
Employer's Liability $100,000 Each Accident 
$500,000 Disease Policy Limit 
$100,000 Each Employee/Disease


In the event alcoholic beverages will be served, sold, consumed or otherwise allowed at the special event:

Liquor Liability $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit


In the event that any services or activities of a professional nature are provided, and Risk Management determines the coverage is necessary, pursuant to191.106(k) below:

Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) $1,000,000 Each Occurrence/Claim


In the event the use of watercraft is an integral part of the special event:

Watercraft Liability (all watercraft-owned, hired or non-owned) $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit


In the event that children will be supervised in connection with the event and Risk Management determines the coverage is necessary, pursuant to 191.106(k) below:

Sexual Molestation Liability $1,000,000 Each Occurrence/Claim

(b) Participants - The Applicant shall assume all responsibility for Applicant's discretion in obtaining, if any, insurance from the event's contributing participants and subcontractors (such as caterers, vendors, production companies, entertainers, sponsors) in the types and amounts necessary to adequately protect the City and the City's members, officials, officers, employees and agents.

(c) Primary and Non-Contributory - The Applicant's insurance will apply on a primary basis and will not require contribution from any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City.

(d) Deductibles - The deductibles of the insurance policies applicable to the special event shall be deemed customary and the responsibility of the Applicant and any named insureds.

(e) Additional Insured - The Applicant's insurance, except workers' compensation and any additional coverages where it is unavailable, will name the City of Jacksonville and City's members, official, officers, employees and agents, as additional insureds under all insurance coverages required for the special event.

(f) Reporting Provision - The Applicant's insurance shall be provided on an occurrence form. In the event that coverage is only available on a claims made form, the Applicant shall agree to maintain an extended reporting coverage for a minimum of two years past the expiration of the annual policy term.

(g) Duration - Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Applicant's liabilities intended to be covered by the insurance coverage(s) required under this section shall survive and not be terminated, reduced or otherwise limited by any expiration or termination of particular policies for insurance coverages.

(h) Sovereign Entities - State and federal agencies eligible for sovereign immunity may submit a statement of self-insurance for liability as allowed by the applicable state or federal statute. Such statement will be acceptable in place of insurance requirements defined herein.

(i) Financial Responsibility - Applicant shall obtain insurance by an insurer holding a current certificate of authority pursuant to Chapter 624, Florida Statutes, or a company that is declared as an approved Surplus Lines carrier under Chapter 626, Florida Statutes. Such insurance shall be written by an insurer with an A.M. Best Rating of A-VII or better. Applicant must maintain continuation of the required insurance throughout the special event, which includes load-in, setup, tear down, and load-out.

(j) Evidence of Financial Responsibility - Applicant must provide a certificate of insurance to the City's Division of Risk Management, demonstrating the maintenance of the required insurance including the additional insured endorsement, no later than 10 days after the conditional approval. Upon written request, the Applicant shall make its insurance policies and endorsements available to the City's Division of Risk Management. The City's Division of Risk Management shall approve the Applicant's insurance if it complies with this section's requirements, including, if any, additional insurance coverages deemed necessary by the Division of Risk Management. No material alteration or cancellation, including expiration and non-renewal of Applicant's insurance, shall be effective until 30 days after receipt of written notice by the City from the Applicant or the Applicant's insurance company.

(k) Discretionary Authority - Depending upon the nature of any aspect of any event and its accompanying exposures and liabilities, the City may, at its sole option, require additional insurance coverages not listed above, in amounts responsive to those liabilities, which may or may not require that the City also be named as an additional insured.

(l) Waiver of Subrogation –  The Applicant’s insurance will provide a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City under all coverages required for the special event.


The Event Helper

Users of the program will be able to select a City of Jacksonville location, answer a few questions and purchase a one‐time event policy for General Liability and, as applicable, Liquor Liability that meets City of Jacksonville requirements.
To begin an insurance quote, click here.

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