Office of*Sports & Entertainment
Office of*Sports & Entertainment
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Unidos Jax Dinner
Unidos Jax flyer with event information. Thursday, October 3rd from 5:30 to 9pm at Deerwood Castle. 7601 Centurion Pkwy, Jacksonville, FL, 32256. Food, music, dancing, awards, performances, special guests.
Unidos Jax Dinner
A distinguished event dedicated to honoring and celebrating the remarkable contributions of our vibrant Hispanic community.
Tickets On Sale

The City of Jacksonville proudly presents Unidos Jax Dinner, an inaugural event dedicated to honoring the remarkable contributions of our vibrant Hispanic community. Held on Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 5:30 PM at Deerwood Castle, this distinguished dinner celebrates the strength, resilience, and inspiring work of Hispanic leaders who have significantly impacted various fields, enriching our city's cultural, social, and economic fabric. Unidos Jax Dinner unites community members, leaders, and allies to recognize those who have demonstrated outstanding dedication and service, advancing their fields and uplifting the entire community.

Unidos Jax flyer with event information. Thursday, October 3rd from 5:30 to 9pm at Deerwood Castle. 7601 Centurion Pkwy, Jacksonville, FL, 32256. Food, music, dancing, awards, performances, special guests.
Unidos Jax logo
Event Tickets
Event Tickets
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